Gender Responsive Social Protection Evaluation
Ecorys and their partners, Itad, Kore Global and On Think Tanks have been engaged by FCDO to conduct an independent evaluation that includes both formative and summative elements. Kore Global was contracted to provide technical advisory services to the evaluation, including leading on the development of the evaluation Theory of Change during inception. We engaged in open dialogue with Itad, FCDO and/or GRSP partners staff to ensure mutual understanding and expectations on the function and scope of the TOC. This engagement took the form of internal and external workshops and meetings, including a Theory of Change workshop with key members of the evaluation team, FCDO, UNICEF and the World Bank.
The evaluation seeks to fill evidence gaps in how technical assistance and research can influence the behaviours and choices of policymakers and practitioners on how to enable gender-responsive social protection systems. It will also increase understanding around relevance, quality and value of technical assistance, and directly contribute to furthering understanding on how to evaluate, and how to improve technical assistance. While evaluation has both summative and formative objectives, the emphasis is on learning around what works and why, at the level of technical assistance, capacity building and knowledge exchange, with respect to influencing changes at the system level.
Photo credit: Rebecca Calder