Australian Government Women Peace and Security National Action Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Framework


In April 2021, the Australian Government released the second National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). It builds on existing efforts to protect and promote the human rights of all women and girls and increase the full and meaningful participation of women in peace and security processes.

Leading up to this, in 2019 the Office for Women in Australia’s Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, engaged Kore Global to lead the design of the M&E Framework and Strategic Implementation Plan for Australia’s second WPS NAP. We worked in partnership with Strategic Development Group to undertake this work. Kore Global and Strategic Development Group were engaged again in 2021 - this time by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), who is now responsible for coordination and oversight of the implementation of the second NAP - to update this framework following the publication of the NAP, and to work with implementing departments and agencies to develop a baseline.

We produced a WPS NAP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework that is built on best practice, and is practical, participatory and jointly owned by implementing partners and that can, at both a whole-of-government and implementing partner level, support: i. communications – tracking progress in a way that, within the resource constraints, enables a compelling story to be told to diverse stakeholders, including Ministers, government departments and agencies, the Australian public and civil society, other national governments, and international actors; and ii. accountability – agreeing clear responsibilities and reporting that can be used by departments/agencies and whole-of government, promoting transparency and responsible governance.


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