UNICEF Ethiopia Nutrition-WASH-Education Joint Programme Impact Evaluation
Itad has been commissioned to conduct baseline, midline and endline evaluations for this programme in partnership with Kore Global and MMA Development Consultancy, Ethiopia. Kore Global has provided both overall Team Leadership and technical leadership of the qualitative research components of the baseline and midline evaluations. Our theory-based approach offers an overarching design, within which different methods can be employed to gather and analyse data. Drawing on the principles of theory-based impact evaluation, we have combined a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with in-depth qualitative research to unpack the ‘black box’ between activities and impact and explain how change has occurred. The inclusion of a focused process evaluation component at midline has facilitated an understanding of whether change can be attributed to the effective implementation of the programme, or in the case of an absence of change, whether this is a result of failure to implement (not delivering activities as planned), or of programme logic (incorrect assumptions on the link between outputs and outcomes).
The aim of this evaluation is thus to understand the extent to which the programme is achieving its objectives and provide measures of attribution for the programme where possible.